Saturday, May 05, 2012

Will the Olympic ceremonies miss the chance of a Fire Dance?

Friend elsewhere linked to the amazing Black Swan Fire Dance, saying it should be in the Olympic ceremonies. Subsequent discussion suggested that those in charge of ceremonies wouldn't know a rapper sword if it bit them (do swords bite?). But there'll be plenty of ceremonies required in the north - some sort of welcome is required in every town the Flame goes through, and many of the towns on the list have proud traditions of dance and music and hitting sticks together. Perhaps there are other reasons for not including this otherwise perfectly-suited piece of Englishness. Ah, they'd be worried about the Flame getting distracted? Joining in? Waking up the next morning burnt out and wondering why its torch-holding-bit tastes of dogdung and ashes? Or doing a Prince and the Pauper. Now there's an idea... a burning rapper sword gleefully heading for London, giggling maniacally. I wish I could draw well enough for bande dessinée/graphic novel/cartoon strip.


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